Craig Y Parc School

Encouraging and enabling our students to take on new fun and exciting challenges with the support of our skilled team.

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Welcome to Craig Y Parc School

Craig Y Parc is an independent day school for pupils from age 3 to 19 years. Currently, the age range of pupils at the school is from age 6 to 19 years. 

At present, there are 23 pupils on roll at the school, which includes six pupils from the children’s home and 17 who are day pupils.

All pupils have statements of special educational need (SEN) or education, health and care plans (EHCP).


Our curriculum is one specifically designed to meet the individual needs of our students. We focus heavily on developing communication skills, physical and sensory abilities, numeracy, digital competence, wellbeing, thinking, and life skills.

Learning and Placement Options

Key Stage 1-4

Our key stage 1-4 students are taught within small classes of pupils grouped according to age and ability. Our high staffing ratio enables us to create pupil specific learning programmes that are tailored to their individual learning and developmental needs.

Pupils are taught within a topic-based curriculum allowing teachers to focus on activities that engage pupil’s interests whilst also covering the main national curriculum areas.

Post 16

As Pupils approach the age of 16, change plays a significant part in life both socially and in education. We recognise that transition can be both exciting and stressful.

A transition to 14-19 curriculum moves pupils from basic learning skills to preparing for life beyond school and involves the pupil, families/carers and professionals.

Our post 16 curriculum also promotes greater self-awareness, self-esteem and independence. Independent skills are given a high priority and all pupils are supported to develop communication skills and work cooperatively within the classroom.


Sample of positive comments from Estyn’s Core Inspection of Craig Y Parc, March 2023

“Craig Y Parc provides a calm and nurturing environment that generally meets pupils’ physical, medical and care needs well. Teaching and support staff build positive working relationships with pupils and, as a result, many pupils are happy and settled”

‘This close team-working means that pupils make particularly beneficial progress in the development of their communication, physical and independence skills’

‘The current leadership team has brought stability to the school and has started to implement beneficial changes to the school’s curriculum, approaches to teaching and assessment, and the model of therapeutic support.’

Estyn Logo


Craig y Parc provides a highly qualified and experienced team of therapists to support all students. The team are closely involved with external healthcare professionals. Often they are the first to identify significant physical changes in a student and liaising with local therapists or medical teams is vital in monitoring clinical, surgical or equipment needs. All of our therapy programmes are individually tailored and based on a thorough assessment and evaluation of each student’s needs.

Therapy Specialists on site full time include:

Occupational Therapists



Speech & Language Therapists

QTMSI Teacher


Craig y Parc is proud of the facilities we have in our woodland site based in Heol-Y-Parc, Pentyrch.

We have a wide variety of onsite facilities that include:

– Hydrotherapy pool
– Multisensory room
– Rebound therapy room
– Assistive technology hub
– Accessible woodland trail
– Music Room
– Nurses station

Craig Y Parc garden welcome sign
Craig Y Parc indoor gym area
Craig Y Parc indoor swimming pool
Student doing archery
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The school provides an effective range of therapeutic interventions which provide pupil’s ability to access the curriculum successfully. This includes physio speech and language therapy and occupational therapy. Education, care and therapy staff work together cohesively to address pupils’ high complex needs. This aspect of the school is a significant strength.



News & Events

Life after the walls of Craig Y Parc School

Life after the walls of Craig Y Parc School

Students may find the transition from the classroom to the world both exciting and daunting, particularly those with special needs who can face distinct challenges. This is where Craig Y Parc School plays a vital role. The school provides a comprehensive and...

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