Festive Fun

Lots more festive fun this week at Craig y Parc… On Tuesday 10th December, the catering team cooked a Christmas dinner for all the staff and students at Craig y Parc School. Crackers were pulled, music was playing and a fun time was had by everyone! The food was...
Christmas Party

Christmas Party

Last Sunday all the young people from Tŷ Cwtch went to a Christmas party, everyone had a great time meeting Santa and his reindeer’s. K’s mum came down to stay for the weekend and enjoyed taking him to the party.
MP visits School

MP visits School

Last week our local Labour MP, Kevin Brennan, visited the school (all of the parties were invited). He had a good tour with Rhys and a long talk about the work of the school and its history. It is great to raise awareness of Craig y Parc and our history as not enough...
Getting crafty for christmas

Getting crafty for christmas

Students in the school have enjoyed making snowman cards for the Salutem Christmas card competition. Unfortunately with over 300 entries they didn’t win but they did have a lot of fun and made some great snowmen!    ...
Celebrating Excellence in Care

Celebrating Excellence in Care

Management and staff from Tŷ Cwtch attended the Cardiff and Vale Care and Support Regional Workforce Partnership: Celebrating Excellence in Care awards this week. This event is about recognising the individual care workers who have obtained their health and social...
Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

This weekend Tŷ Cwtch young people and staff used their artistic skills to create this wonderful memorial for remembrance day. Remembrance day is on 11th November and marks the day World War One ended, it is observed to remember the members of our armed forces who...